Macro parables_testing::prop_assert_eq[]

macro_rules! prop_assert_eq {
    ( $ left : expr , $ right : expr ) => { ... };
$ left : expr , $ right : expr , $ fmt : tt $ ( $ args : tt ) * ) => { ... };

Similar to assert_eq! from std, but returns a test failure instead of panicking if the condition fails.

See prop_assert! for a more in-depth discussion.


#[macro_use] extern crate proptest;

proptest! {
  fn concat_string_length(ref a in ".*", ref b in ".*") {
    let cat = format!("{}{}", a, b);
    // Use with default message
    prop_assert_eq!(a.len() + b.len(), cat.len());
    // Can also provide custom message (added after the normal
    // assertion message)
    prop_assert_eq!(a.len() + b.len(), cat.len(),
                    "a = {:?}, b = {:?}", a, b);