Testing Events

Parables capatures all events emitted by your contract, and allows you to easily assert that a specific set of events have been emitted.

A typical test would do something like the following.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let evm = evm.get();
let contract = simple_contract::contract(&evm, simple, call);


for e in evm.logs(ev::value_updated()).filter(|e| e.filter(Some(100.into()))).iter()? {
    assert_eq!(U256::from(100), e.value);

assert_eq!(1, evm.logs(ev::value_updated()).iter()?.count());
assert!(!evm.has_logs(), "there were unprocessed logs");

Note that converting the drainer into an iterator through the iter() method is a fallible operation since it needs to decode all events.